1 January 2011

It's my Party!

Happy New Year Fluffers! I hope 2011 brings you everything you hope and wish for...

So let's get this year off with a crafty bang! There's a new challenge over at Sweet Stampin, and it's an absolute corker! It's actually Team Carrie's week, but Carrie chose such a great theme, I had to play along too. And what is it?

Your Favourite Song!

It can be your all time favourite, one of your favourites or a current favourite, the decision is totally yours.

As soon as I saw this challenge, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I got this stamp through baggage control fairly recently and have been itching to ink her up. I 'need' this stamp, as she looks a bit of a stroppy little minx, which reminds me of me and the song 'It's my Party' (one of my favourite oldies) started playing at the disco in FayeWorld pretty much as soon as I looked at it. I bet you'll be singing that all day now!

It's not the most inspiring card in the world, but I had a bit of fun whilst making it and I used freebie papers! And there might be a little clue there as to my favourite crafting item...

Anyway, hop on over to Sweet Stampin as the rest of the Sweet Stampers have made some amazing cards. We are sponsored by Whimsy Stamps this month and Tiffany Doodles this week. And don't forget about the competition we are running at the moment. The winner gets to Guest Design for us and choose a challenge in February!

Well, I must love you and leave you. Sweet Cheeks hasn't grasped the fact that he's eaten all the choklit decorations off the tree and keeps hopefully biting into baubles. Glitter and sequins don't have quite the same effect! ;)


Jill said...

Morning Faye and a Happy New Year to you too! Love that stamp - I shall be on the look-out for that one! Jill x

Debs said...

Hi Faye
Gorgeous card - perfect image for the song choice lol!!!
Happy New Year - hope it brings you love, luck and happiness in abundance.
Have a fab weekend
Debs xx

Margreet said...

Hiya Fluffy...happy new year to you too...I think this stamp is so gorgeous (must have it....lol)...love your card!
xxx Margreet

Ali said...

Good Morning lovely, Happy New Year - oh my I love that image - beautiful card - I love it xx

martina's kaartjes said...

very pretty card ! lovely image,
greetings and happy 2011

Catherine said...

Hello Sweetie ! Your card is adorable ! Love the lace and the charm ! Lots of hugs and love from Catherine La Chic !

Fiona said...

hapy new year...Fluff. fabby card as always...I love how you have coloured the image..so cute!! she does look a bit stroppy!!


Vicky said...

Happy New Year sweetie may you be blessed with love, health & happiness all thru 2011.
This card is lush hunni in all honestly I'm not much for this image but she looks gorgeous here, really pretty so I may change my mind lol. Fabulicious!!!!

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Delphine said...

Hello, hello... Fantastic card, Faye! What a great image, and I love your choice of colours and colouring... As for your favourite crafting item, er... er... freebie papers? Hugs Delphine xx

chris said...

Hi Faye I ought to enter into this one seems as I always do a song title for all of my posts.
your card is outstandingly gorgeous, and that image is on my list I love it so very much.
HAPPY NEW YEAR , Hugs Chris xx
ps Did I tell you I love your card

Wishcraft said...

Gorgeous card Faye :o) Fab image (I want it too) and great colours. Lisa x

Tracey T said...

Happy New Year Faye! Love this card and yes, the song is now stuck in my head! Mega hugs, Tracey xx

Donna said...

Gorgeous card Faye, adorable image and fab distressing! Happy New Year to you and your family :) Donna x

Muver said...

Hmm. Reminds me of a certain little girl I used to know. Your right singing along now only trouble is I'm trying to put it to the tune of Slumdog Millionaire!That is so totally Fiona's fault.

Claire said...

Happy New Year Faye! What a fab card, every time I see this image it makes me smile - you a stroppy little minx eh!? Fabulous creation and great use of colour. Hugs, Claire x

McCrafty's Cards said...

What a gorgeous card, Happy New Year
Kevin xx

Wendy Ramlakhan said...

OMGosh I just love love LOVE this!!! That's one of my favorite songs too!! I adore this image!! I'm going to HAVE to get it!! LOL

Unknown said...

you would cry too if it happened to you....da da da da da.... it has just come on radio carrieland lol... happy new year darling Faye...I hope its a great one for you all...

As for this card I absolutley love it!! really made me smile... love the image too xx

Lynne in NI said...

Tee hee ... that image is just perfect for your song! Love it!

Jessica said...

This is tooo cute!

Faye said...

Christmas is such fun when you have small children. I hope Sweet Cheeks had a great time.

This is a gorgeous card, UK Faye. Hope to see lots more in 2011.

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Faye what a beautiful card that image is gorgeous and the title is perfect.
Lorraine x

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Sweet card! Song fits this perfectly! Love the image and the cure charm

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Supposed to say I love the cute charm!

Erum Tasneem said...

such a cute card! love the color combo!

debby4000 said...

Adorable sweet card and love the sassy image.

Mary J said...

A very happy New Year to you, Faye!

Love the card - very apt for the challenge!

Bernadet said...

Gret card Fay, I love that image

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
a happy new year to you hunni
your card is so cute
i just love this image
hugs angelique

Anita Kejriwal said...

came to know you through feline playful and i simply loved your blog!

Josie0602 said...

Fabulous card! I came to visit from Feline Playful!!

Doreen said...

Gorgeous card, I am visiting from Feline Playful!Happy New year.xxx

Jo said...

I love this! anyone with kids will relate to this card lol
Happy New Year to you and yours, wishing you every happiness for 2011
Love, Jo xx

Shell said...

I love this image, she is fast becoming my fav lotv. love how you have coloured her the card if fab.
I found you through Feline Playful.
Shell xx

Becky said...

So adorable.
I found your blog through Feline Playful and now am a follower.

Debs said...

Gorgeous card, wow shes certainly got attitude.

Maria Moorhouse said...

Hiya, i came over from the Feline game. Lovely blog,im following and will have a proper look around when i have more time! xx

Renata van Miltenburg said...

What a pretty cards you make, loved "walking" through your blog!

Happy New Year and a toast to a creative 2011!!

Warm wishes, Renata

Darlene said...

OMGosh ... this is sooooooo adorable! What a cute image and perfect for the challenge!

I have come here through the Feline Friends and I'm so happy I did! Your work is awesome and very inspirational! Keep up the good work ... I'll be seeing you again soon!

Jagusia said...

Wow, sweet card!

having a {me} day said...

Oh this is gorgeous!! I just love her sparkliness and she is just pefect for that song which is an old favourite of mine! keeleyxx

Debra said...

Hi Faye and Happy New Year. I love your work and look forward to your inspiration! I was already a follower and I am now doing my Feline Playful rounds. I am so excited for this crafting year!

Unknown said...

Such a darling card! Thanks for sharing. I am a follower now. I came via Feline Playful :)

jimlynn said...

Oh My!!! So very cute! I just became a follower as I love your creations.

Karen McAlpine said...

Hi! I am visiting from the Feline Playful give a comment - receive a comment event. I am now a follower! I wish you a Happy New Year filled with lots of crafting time.
Cute card! Love the snowman card in a previous post!

Linda McClain said...

Cute, cute card. Love the lace and all the details. It's perfect for "It's my party." Howdy from another Feline Friend.

Neeti said...

Gorgeous creation Faye.. and some great inspirations on your blog :). I found your blog on Feline and now becoming your follower. Happy New Year to you :)
Hugs, Neeti

Anke said...

I found you through Felina Friends.
You make lovely cards.
hugs Tessa

Jenni said...

Lovely card, I love these images too. Visiting today from Feline Playful, following now so will be back :o)
Jenni x

Do What You Love said...

Happy New Year Fluff! I love this image - it's so perfect in every girlie way - the princess has to have it her way now doesn't she? It's my party - great song! Love the card!

Flutterby Trina said...

Happy new Year, You fluffy stor has made me giggle! Your cards are amazing!! i have become a follower, cant wait to see what 2011 brings from you! I have come here from feline playful!!! xx

Loraine Arderne said...

Beautifull card, you do realise I'm going to be singing that to myself all night now.

Mandy said...

Hi Faye,
Happy New year to you and your family....I know I'm a follower already but I'm popping over from feline playful...Love this card,I am ashamed to say I haven't inked mine up yet..Lovely papers too...
Mandy xx

Mervi said...

Gorgeous & Beautiful card!
I have come here through the Feline Friends, happy new year;-))m

Daniela Dobson said...

So pretty!

dj1952 said...

How cute is your message! I love your card. I think the little girl is so funny, but I can see a little child looking just like that. I came over from Feline Playful and have become a follower. Hugs, dj

Georgia Ehrmann said...

became your follower thru Feline...glad I did! Great blog!

Jane said...

Blimey! So many comments...I don't even know this many people! Have worn out my fingers scrolling down to leave a wee word or two..."'Appy new Year!" Groovy card...lurv it xxx

Seongsook Duncan said...

Hi, I came through Feline Playful and am now a follower.

Love your card. It's so pretty coloring. Thanks for the inspiration.

Vivi Casale said...

Great Card Faye!
I found you through Feline Playful!!

Gem said...

Faye this is gorgeous! just visiting you from Feline playful, I am already a follower of course :) Hugs Gemma x

~ Kendra ~ said...

She is adorable!!! I've followed you from Feline Playful.


Juanita said...

Hi there, I'm another new follower from Feline Playful. This card is adorable, love the soft colors and charm.

Kristi said...

This card is lovely! I have seen this stamp around and it makes me chuckle when I see it..that little girl has such attitude! Happy New Year!

Shelly Schmidt said...

Beautiful card! Lovely Blog. Following you thru Feline Playful. Now a follower.

Unknown said...

Found your blog through Feline Playful and have become a follower. Your work is gorgeous!! Hugs, Stephanie

Cindy Gay said...

I am doing the Feline Play blog hop and I am enjoying your stamping!

papertrails leaver said...

What a cute card! Joining you from Feline and wanted to say hello! :-). Amy. also signed on to follow!

faithnme said...

sweet card :0)... I am now a follower thru Feline Playful

Happy New Year

Christine said...

Lovin' your crazy bloggin'. Makes me laugh. I'm a new follower via Feline Playful, and I think your card is great. What a fun theme. That image is adorable. Happy New Year!! See you again soon.

Collette said...

What a great card - I love this image and both your cards incorporating this are wonderful!