7 May 2012

Giggle Fairy

Hey, hey Peeps!

I'm taking a break from unloading boxes. Why does unpacking take so much longer than packing up?! Eurgh.

So, I promised you something Odd and here it is. Kristy has designed some more fabby fairies for us to play with, and this cutie is Giggle fairy. Pop over to The Odd Blog to see what the rest of the girls have done with her, or just nip over to The Store and snag her, right now...

As for me, the lure of untidy, half finished mess is strong and I'm not gonna fight it...

Papers: Free with a magazine!
Image: Giggle Fairy; Some Odd Girl


cebelica said...

Oh my, she's such a cutie! I love this image. Great card! Hugs! xx

Lou said...

Hi! this is really gorgeous Faye,what a cutie she is and your colours/papers are very pretty too.Ooh hope you get to that last box soon :))))
have a nice afternoon,
hugs Lou.xxxx

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Faye she is the biggest cutie! I absolutely love her! Beautiful colouring :)

Mrs A. said...

Nice freebies if you can get your mitts on them!!!! luv Muver.

Jenny said...

Fabulous Faye! I love the image and your colours and papers look terrific together. hugs x

DesigNeAl said...

How cute is that?!! Love the colours, Faye, gorgeous card xx

♥Gemma♥ said...

Just delishhhh sweetie & your colouring always amazes me..just stunning!!
hugs and xxx

Catherine said...

What a scrumptious card Fluff ! Got the papers and love them ! They are so so sweet ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

Maria Therese said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so gorgeous!!! Love your coloring!!

Joey said...

Faye this is gorgeous hunny, loving your colour choice. Joey x

Annette Allen said...

Faye she looks beautiful....

jimlynn said...

Precious and I love that gingham on here!

Margreet said...

Gorgeous everything Fluffie...your colouring of that cute image, the papers...sentiment...good luck with unpacking...
xxx Margreet

Anonymous said...

LOVE that you pulled in the berry in her hair with your papers! You rock! The organizing will get done :)

catherine said...

Fab card Faye and love the colours. Great image. I bet I have more unpacked boxes than you but I keep closing my eyes!!. Will get done soon when I can be bothered
x catherine

CraftyMomOf3 said...

She is SO crazy cute Faye!!

Crafty Hugs!

Suzie Q said...

Hi ya Fluffster!
how you keeping up with everything!!
i love this card papers are lush and your colouring spectacular!!
hope you well hunny bunny x
lil fruit and nutx

Arabella said...

This is gorgeous Faye! I love the rich colours you have used and the highlights in her hair are fabulous!

Have fun unpacking!


Leah's Crafty Life said...

Absolutely stunning, Fluff!! I wish I were closer so I could help you unpack, then we could take breaks and color while sipping on our favorite beverages! A girl can dream... love your card sweets!

Donna said...

Tis gorgeous Faye, a real cutie and beautiful papers you have chosen too :) Donna x

Rachel said...

Gorgeous card Faye - love those papers, very vintage! I hate moving full stop...packing, unpacking....its all rubbish!! Wedgie xxx

Ali said...

Gorgeous - love the image and the colours you have used xx

coops said...

so stunning hun.gorgeous lush papers and colours and i love the sweet girlie :D

xx coops xx

Lisa said...

Hi Faye, Gorgeous card! Such a fab image and I love these papers.

Lisa x

cheryl said...

oh Hun,how gorgeous is,this,what a fab Image,that is,and just adore those papers,love it,hugs Cherylxxxx

Jayne A said...

Oh wow this is just so cute.


heidy said...

What a sweetie and great coloring!
Hugs Heidy

Julie said...

Fabulous card, Faye! Love the image and the papers are perfect!! Gorjuss!!!! Juliexx

Gram's Treasures said...

What a sweetie, and such lovely colouring!
Joyce xx

Delphine said...

Oh this one is so so cute too! I think I am going to have to visit you with my eyes closed too:-)!!!! BIG hugs Delphine xx

Amanda R said...

Love the deep red coloring of her dress Faye, gorgeous! Still waiting on more home pictures...