28 January 2012


Morning Peeps!

Milk. Let me tell you about milk. Sweet Cheeks and I do a weekly food shop every weekend, including two pints of milk. I only buy two pints of milk for a couple of reasons.

First, when we do the food shop, you can be sure that whatever fruit I buy a small amount of, will be the fruit item that Sweet Cheeks decides he will eat a lot of, that week. About thirty three minutes after I've unloaded the shopping, we've generally run out of the small amount of fruit, and Very Understanding Hubby will spend the rest of the week, eating the fruit item we have alot of. (Eat fruit? Me? Eeeeuw! Only if it has three kilos of sugar and several illegal 'E' numbers included in it!)

And because I'm a delicate flower, I only need to look at milk that's even thinking about going off, to get sick. So, if I buy two pints of milk, it means I can buy another two pints of milk a day or so later, along with more fruit. Simples.

A few weeks ago, the supermarket ran out of two pints of milk, so Sweet Cheeks and I had to buy four pints. Because of the delicate flower issue, I decided if it went off, I'd give it to Very Understanding Hubby in his tea. Sorted. Four pints of milk seemed to work quite well, and as it ran out before it went off, I've been buying four pints of milk, since.

So, how comes, a few weeks ago, I was buying two pints of milk, twice a week, and now I'm buying four pints, twice a week? We're not doing anything different. Where's it going?!

You know what Saturday morning means, right? Time for one of Jo's fabby sketches over at Sketch Saturday!

Isn't this an absolute corker?! So, if you'd like a chance to win stash from The Craft Barn, you know what you need to do! But before you get started, head over to Sketch Saturday and see the lovely creations from The Saturdays.

Right, we're off to buy some milk...

I'd like to enter this card at:

Cards for Men - Boys and their Toys
Digistamps 4 Joy - For Boys
Dutch Dare Card Challenge - Buttons Galore
My Craft Spot - Let's Hear it for the Boys
Send a Smile 4 Kids - Anything Goes for Kids


Fiona said...

ha ha Faye...the more you buy, the more you use!!

Fabby card as always.


cheryl said...

Hi Hun the more you buy the more you use,well think so I use lots of milk as I am a massive coffee freak,drink at least 26 mugs a day oh yeah,so I but lots of the stuff,
as for your card hun its really stunning your detail is just amazing,hugs Cherylxxxxxxx

Mary J said...

Really fab take on the sketch Faye! Love the way you've used the papers!

Claire said...

Great card, love the image and gorgeous papers too. Have a lovely day. Hugs, Claire x

Denise said...

Gorgeous card - love that adorable image. Have bought these papers but not used them yet. Must say they look stunning on this card.
Denise xx

DesigNeAl said...

Great card! I am usually scared of browns but you've done wonders with them papers and embellishments!
Re milk - LOL! At home we buy 3 types of mil: full fat for the kids, low fat for other half and skimmed for me! How is that for a mess!? LOL! xx

Grenouille Greetings said...

This cute and delightfully coloured chappy is obviously a great friend of the Milky Bar Kid - hence your disappearing milk! Absolutely perfect paper choice! Love your pointilistic shadow! Hugs, Lesley

Margreet said...

Love your gorgeous card Fluffy...great boy's colours and fab colouring!....have a wonderful, milky and fruity, weekend!
xxx Margreet

Shelly said...

Hehe... milk story! We have to buy our milk in litres here Fluff... but I can tell you that whenever I need a trickle of milk for my cuppa and go to get some from the fridge... SURPRISE... there's none left! I usually have a spare carton, which is in the cellar under the house... so have to go outside in the freezing cold! Grrrr! Anyway, I LOVE your card... GREAT image which looks fab with your super colouring... do you use Promarkers, Flexmarkers or Copics? Have a fab weekend! Shelly x

Jen Nelson said...

just gorgeous Faye... love the whole lot

jen xx

Lou said...

Hi!what a great read Faye,really made me smile :)))))) and your card is the sweetest**i really do love it!!
Have a lovely day,
hugs Lou.xxx

Tracey T said...

And now I've got to spend more money... I NEED this image and those papers because they look so very, very fabulous on your card. As for fruit and milk, well the Boy Wonder is approaching his teens and has now decided that most fruit and veg are in fact poison. Milk for me is just something I use when I'm baking or making bread sauce. The Boy Wonder may have it on cereals once in a blue moon, but mostly I buy 2 pints a week and the dog ends up drinking about a pint of that! xx

Bananastamper said...

Fantastico! Such an adorable little image and a fab card! Enjoyed your milky story...how much we drink really depends on what we are eating and what I am cooking. If we are making lots of smoothies or if I make rice pudding or some such, we use up way more. And some weeks les boys just seem to be in the mood to drink more. you never can tell.
Banana :)

Catherine said...

I adore your card Fluff ! The papers are gorgeous - I know, I've got them and they are stunning - and the image is so so delightful ! Have a great week-end Sweetie ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine

Jenny said...

That image is so so cute and those papers you have chosen just suit it perfectly. Great card. x

The Doc said...

Could it be Boo has a pipeline into the bottles of milk !

Mrs A. said...

4pints twice a week. Thats 8 pints = 1 gallon= 1 very large churn full = cow needed to be tethered in back garden!!!! I can give you the Farmers weekly web site if you want. luv Muver.

Donna said...

Incredibly sweet card Faye, love this lil fella and his super cute hobby horse....so sweet! I wish we only went through 8 pints of milk a week...my lot go through about 22 pints a week!!!! :) Donna ♥ x

Loraine Arderne said...

This is gorgeous! Reminds me of my childhood.

Victoria said...

fab card Fluffster. Now about the milk issue - is VUB drinking mroe tea or smuggling in extra cereal when you're not looking?

Or more obviously of course, have you checked the butter for footprints to see if there's an elephant in your fridge? That would be my best guess.


CraftyC said...

A beautiful card Faye, the papers work so well. Love your story, have the same issue with bread. Buy 2 loaves, one ends up in the freezer, but if I buy one its gone and either need to get that one back from freezer or off to shops again. Funny life lol

Joey said...

ROFL Hun what are you like!!! its milk! if its off bin it, if its not use it hahaha, my mum is so the same as you, she buys single pints of milk as it goes off, she wont use it after a day of being open, if she comes here on the rare occassion to babysit, she opens a fresh carton of milk so as not to use the already opened one arrrrrgh, I'm not going to have off milk in my fridge for her rofl, in this house 4 pints is lucky to last over a day! Your card is stunning hun, lovely colourwork. Joey xxx

jimlynn said...

LOL! Love the "milk" story....so funny!
Love your card too....precious image and as always, your coloring is fantastic.

McCrafty's Cards said...

Fabulous card Faye, I like the sweet image and I love the papers, which I now need lol.
Kevin xx

Jayne said...

Gorgeous card,love the image and DP.Thanks for playing along at My Craft Spot.
Jayne x

Vicky said...

Wonderful hun...beautiful colouring and great layout too...

have a lovely evening..hugs Vicky xx

Unknown said...

Awww this is so cute, what a fun image and your colouring is just beautiful xxx

Vicky said...

Awesome card sweetie loving the fab cool image & love the fab papers.

Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

catherine said...

You have made a stunning card and I do love that image. Enjoyed reading about your milk scenario and wonder if you have a secret cat!!. I'm very much like you on the fruit front(LOL)
Have a nice weekend
x catherine

coops said...

fantastic male card hun.i love the fab image and your colouring is amazing ;D
lol i hope you solve the milk mystery.

xx coops xx

Jennifer said...

REally love this Faye...fabulous!! xx Jenny xx

Jilli said...

The great milk mystery will all become clear in time LOL!

Great card, love those yummy papers and the super cute image. A beautiful creation once again x

Cazza said...

Lol, the milk mystery deepens...

Love your card, yeeeehaaaaa indeed!! :o)

An Occasional Genius said...

Oh drool!! Love those papers hon & a most beautifully coloured image. Right now I'm off to attempt a birthday card with this sketch!!

Hugs xx

kitty said...

Hi hun fab card - so cute. I have to say I'm with you and the whole gone off milk thing. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about it. have fun. Kitty xx

Jane said...

Er!!! You lost me there...somewhere in aisle 7...with the Fruit n' Nut!!

Amanda R said...

Off milk? Ewwww! We use to drink a bunch more but have sort of cut back a bit, now I just drink sweet tea like it is going out of style! LOVE this card! I NEED to get some of these stamps, they are adorable!

auntbeespickles said...

I'm a huge milk drinker. =) This is just a totally darling card! Your coloring is just beautiful! Thank so much for joining us over at the Send A Smile 4 Kids challenge. Good luck and I hope you will come back and play again with us!
Hugs, Sarah

Karen Hasheck said...

Very sweet card for a child! Just too cute! Thanks for sharing it with us at Send a Smile 4 Kids. Hope you will come back again.

Lucianna Dilsaver said...

This card is just so adorable, beautiful coloring and your DP's are wonderful! Thanks for joining our "Anything Goes" challenge at SAS 4 Kids :)

Delphine said...

Hey you:-)! Well, don't apologise, please, I know somebody who is even later than you are... Let me think... oh yes, that would be me!!! I totally love your card, I am in love with those papers which I have and your image is adorable and beautifully coloured! You rock my lovely:-)! BIG hugs Delphine xx

Liliya said...

Gorgeous card!! Fabulous colouring!! Thanks for joining DDCC, Lilia DT

having a {me} day said...

Hi sweet Faye! Your card is just so aroable! Your colouring is amazing! I love the paper colours too! Ermmm, I can't explain the milk thing. LOL. keeleyxx

Kate said...

This is just so, so, SO cute!! What a wonderful image - and you've coloured it so well! Your papers are fabulous too! And I did enjoy reading your mystery of the milk!!
Thanks so much for playing along with us at My Craft Spot!

Small Bits of Paper

LeslieT said...

Great card! Awesome coloring and awesome papers and design! Thanks for playing with us in the Dutch Care Card Challenge!
Leslie, DT

Sara I. said...

Amazing. Just amazing.

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Love this one! Great image and the papers and perfect! The buttons work well too! I'm with you on the milk thing. I'm breaking out in a rash and have a belly ache, just reading your post! LOL!