3 December 2019

Little Town of Bethlehem

Hiya :)

As promised, here's the second of two 'no colouring' cards I made. You'll also notice they both follow a certain theme that we don't mention much in our house before 3 December. Why 3 December? Well, it's Sweet Cheeks birthday. He's eleven today and I'm not really sure how that happened. I think my Mum needs to sit down and have a little chat with me.

Happy Birthday Sweet Cheeks.

The panic countdown to the other thing starts tomorrow...

UK Peeps, you can get these goodies at Dies to Die For #enabler


Mrs A. said...

Well we did have a little chat but you obviously were not listening. Good job too!!
Hugs Muver.

Dotty Jo said...

Lovely card, Faye! I have my version over on my blog today! =)) Jo x