The Bermuda Triangle effect continues. I am now missing two pairs of spotty blue knickers.
This causes me a problem as I have a thing about knickers and it's directly related to my Inherited Obsessive Genealogy.
It goes something like this.
Knickers have to match my upper under garments! At an extreme push, I might tolerate wearing plain white items from different shops at the same time, but this is in extreme emergencies only. And, if at all possible, the colour of my smalls, must also relate to what I'm wearing.
If I have an accident and someone needs to cut my clothes off me, it's important that I look good. So, missing blue knickers is a mahoosive problem...
Monday morning of course means time for another Cupcake and this week, Kathrin has chosen Seeing Red. Your project must incorporate the colour Red. My card is a bit of a Plain Jane, so take a look at the wonderful cards The Cupcakes have made, including our fabulous new Guest Designer, Kylie. Oh and don't forget to play along so you can be in with a chance of winning stash from Crafts U Love and Simon Says. Have a great week...
Hi Faye,
I have the same thing with my underwear :) but I work in a lingerie company so I have quite some :) but still I go missing knickers all the time and when I find them, I seem to have lost the other part of the set LOL still everything has to be in the same drawer :)
Have a lovely week and good luck on your search !
Ha! I heard the other day on the radio about a new word Melingerie, meaning a draw with random items of underwear - think that best describes me!!! Jill x
morning Faye.....hope your missing knickers turn up real soon, can't say I have the same problem myself, I'll just grab anything as long as they fit......lol
Lovin' the red check paper which goes so well with your cute Tilda
Aww this is so sweet Faye :-) I love the gingham paper and gorgeous strawberry charm.
Lisa x
Gorgeous card - def. not plain!! But what do you do with matching undies when wearing dark trousers/skirt and a white blouse???? Hmm not sure of white pants under black troos and you cant wear black under white - aargh!!!
Hmmm...matching undies.. it will never catch on lol... my mum said just to make sure they were always clean lol..
Plain Jane??????? I love the little strawberry and there is never anything plain when a Hanglar is involved lol xx
Hi my ickle fluffy loving this totally awesome card hun. I completely agree about the underwear I'm really bad everything has to match & co-ordinate right down to socks, handbag, even coat has to co-ordinate lol. You can imagine how many coats, bags & boots I have lol.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx
Gorgeous gingham papers with a fab coloured girl....love the lace and charm!
xxx Margreet
Hi Sweetie ! Don't worry, you are not the only one to have a thing with underwear ! I'm the same, it has to be coordinated... Your card is divine Sweetie ! What a lovely DP and the image is cute cute cute ! Have a great week ! Hope you'll find your blue nickers ! Hugs from La Chic !
I love your clean (rather than plain) little hAnglar Jane! Beautifully coloured! And a perfect strawberry embellishment!
ps - avoid climbing trees or standing over warm air vents in the pavement!
Hugs, Lesley
Adorable, gorgeous card.
LOL!!!! I don't think I have ever had matching undies!!
Love your card, Faye, it is defenitely not plain. The gingham paper and the strawberry charm and gems are jsut gorgeous! And the little girl looks adorable in red...
Just adorable Fluff. And not so plain. Love the red.
Me - I'm the same - even though it costs me a fortune being of a larger nature - and it is also the reason why I have a drawer that is all the odd ones when I cannot find the other half!!
Have a lovely week.
Love your card Fluff, such a cute image and pretty little hearts! As for the underwear I'm with you on that... but also have odd ones too! If I ever had to have my clothes cut off I think my smalls would be the least of my worries... Nip/Tuck springs to mind! Shelly :)
I don't have a problem losing my "smalls" coz they're so flamin' BIG!!!! Have you spoken to My Sweet Cheeks about the recent disappearances...I bet he's hoarding all sorts of goodies somewhere!!!Another great use of old knicker elastic on yer card today...lovin' those colours xx
Maybe your smalls are with the bathroom suite in the garage!!
I don't mind all my bits not matching, never been a matching girl!!
This hAngler image is adorable, your gingham paper is sweet too. Debbiexx
And if someone has to cut my clothes off, I hope the state of my knickers distracts them from the real me! lol
But let's face it, if you were in some kind of a wreck, (hit a deer or something) your pretty matchy knickers won't be so pretty anyway.....yeah.... hate to be the one to break it to you. But look on the brigt side: your red spotty duds will probably turn up where you least expect them.....when you have company. lol
Life is too short to match your underwear to outer wear! God you'd freak if you saw my underwear collection! Always black knickers and today bright pink bra! I am actually frightened of you now. Trust me when cutting someones clothes off in A&E we don't generally have time time to debate the qualities of someones undies! (That's for the coffe room later!)
Oh tes your card....love it and your colouring is fabulous!
OMG bet you IRON you knickers too....you do don't you! I need to lie down! I should introduce you to a friend of mine....she keeps her toaster in a cupboard and only gets it out when it's needed......
A rather alarmed Loops x
Not at all plain AND her knickers match her top! Can't say that I take the matching thing quite as far as you, although I don't like my undies to clash! Wouldn't mind the new young Maths teacher seeing my undies but it's unlikely as I'm old enough to be his mum! I can dream, can't I? xxx
LOL you are not mad, I do exactly the same, colour matching undies which must match my top for exactly the same reason!! Great card, love the gingham paper and the little charm is sweet. Hope the knickers turn up very soon! Hugs, Claire x
Absolutlyy stunning card again! Just love that sweet hÄnglar! Ha ha hahaaa...Thanks for giving me a laugh about your knickers.... But, you never now when an accident happens...best to look good!! HUgs to you!!
Totally adorable Faye, red gignham gets my attention everytime and I think it's so cool the way you have threaded the twine through the lace...fab idea! Oh dear...I hope your spotty nix turn up...just don;t wear a spotty blue top anytime soon lol! :) Donna x
Sweet card! Reminds me of a picnic! Love the lace! You crack me up! I do have to match what I am wearing too, but until now have never confessed it to the world! Hope they show up soon. You sure sweet cheeks does not have a stash of your things? LOL!
LOL... Twice tonight, thank you, lovely Faye:-)!!! Well I hope you can sleep well, nothing has happened to you, no accident, sweetie, everything's fine... but I can understand...
And I love your card, not plain but fab! The image is totally adorable, and I love the combination of dots and gingham! Lovely embellishments too, everything works really well together:-)! Enjoy the rest of your evening! Lots of hugs Delphine xx
what a fabby card, so sweet,
hope you find your spotty knickers soon..xx
Cute card, I like the added charm.
Love your card Faye, I'm a bit of a sucker for gingham!
Funny you should have stuff going missing, we've had the same lately. I'm sure they must be somewhere in the house but we just can't find them anywhere (not knickers though!)
lol Chrissie xx
Yes, because we all know that if the paramedic has to cut your clothes off he will be so infatuated with your matching bra and panties that he will rush to give you CPR even if you don't need it!! LOL Your so funny!!
Your card is NOT plain, it's adorable!! Love the inked edges and the strawberry/heart charm!!
ROTFL! I am very boring when it comes to underpants - they MUST be comfortable which often means boring! Poor hubby!
Anyhoo, fab card girl, just adorable!
p.s. That reminds me that I must do a post one of my lists - as strange as this may seem, my two brothers and my sister sat around at camp this summer and wrote up some funny lists - one involved other terms for the loo, and I think the other was other words for underpants....must find those lists. Would be good for a laugh me thinks.....stay tuned. Grin...
p.s. Thanks for the giggle, I needed that!
You are too funny Faye! That little hanglar is fabylous and love your coloring and matching checks. !!
Love your card Faye, it's so gorgeous. The lace gives it such a girly feel.
You have me in stitches with your knickers. Reminded me of my grandmother always telling us our knickers must be clean and top and bottom matching - after all what would happen if you fell off the back of the bus!????
Ha ha - this made me laugh so much! Yeah right - I really match my knickers and bra....ok - I think I am having a good day if I can find ANY knickers! (Joke Joke - oh gosh I will be banned soon!) LOL! Hey - I guess if I didnt wear either then I wouldnt have to worry about them matching...and that would definitely give them something to worry about when they came to cut em off!
Beautiful card -and good luck with the next move
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