I've entered a Pay it Forward over at Loopy's Blog and now it's my turn to Pay it Forward.
I promise to send something handmade to the first five people who comment on this post. However, there's a catch. You must post this, offering something handmade to five other people.
The rules state that it must be something handmade or homemade by you and needs to be sent to five other people during 2011. Plenty of time then. Ahem!
If you'd like to join in the fun, then be the first to post a comment and something handmade or homemade will be coming your way at some point this year.
Is that a great idea or is that a great idea?
I think it's fab! I hope that five of you would like something made by me!
Oh how lovely i have heard about these and would love it if you made me a new handcrafted outfit matching socks, hat, vest, drawers, tank top oh how posh i would look can't wait if i am one of the lucky 5!!!
lil fruit and nut x
Oh I love this!! What fun. :-)
Aww, I've never heard of this until now but what a lovely idea. A real chance to touch and stroke (that suddenly sounds wrong to me lol) what a photo can't show...meaning ribbons, etc.
oooh...I'd LOVE to be in!! If it's okey with international postages for you?
oh this sounds like fun!! I will post this in the morning...PC is a bit iffy just now!!
How cool, Fluff! You never cease to send a smile my way and give me something to look forward to in the way of tales and tidbits. Now look what you've gotten yourself into - how cool is that? I know I've missed it but just wanted to say hey and hope you and the family are doing well. Sorry I haven't been around - doing some sewing, courtesy of your mom's inspiring, you know. :-) So I'll be hopping around in between keeping the menopausal monster from getting me. Take care! Hugs!
huh, me too late
oh well
this is a great idea hun I must have a go at this trust me to be too late ha ha story of my life,hugs cheryl xxxx
Ooohhh, I missed out!! Stomping foot!!! But oh the pressure of having to make 5 things. LOL! keeleyxx
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